Friday, March 13, 2009

Kraft deal still going strong at Jewel

The Kraft deal is still going strong, but there are new things on sale this week. The cheese is still a great buy and if you pair it with some of the other things on sale, it's free.

4 Kraft 2% cheese shreds or chunks
4 Planter's trail mix
sale prices equal $13.00
You will get back $13.00 in coupons - I've done this one MANY times. Tax on $13.00 is about $.23 - that's all you'll pay. The expirations on the cheese are June and July so stock up as much as you can that you will use by then.

Here are a few other scenarios:

Kraft deli creations. There are Ham, Turkey and Roast Beef varieties. These are ringing at $3.95, but are on sale for $2.50. Buy 4 (use the $1/2 blinkies in the case) Buy 2 Kraft South Beach Living salad dressings (these are on everyone's Avenu for $1 off. Just remember to activate your Avenu) and an Easy Mac (on sale for $1)

Here's the math:
4 Deli creations $15.80 / $10.00
2 South Beach $ 8.00 / $ 5.00
2 Easy Mac $ 2.16 / $ 2.00
$25.96 / $17.00

2 Deli Creations coupons - $2.00
Avenu savings on dressing- $2.00

Total: $13.00

Get $10 coupon back. If you already have a $10 coupon, you'll pay only $3 OOP and get the $10 coupon back.

Nabisco variety tray packs are on sale for $4.50. Normally $7.25.

2 trays $14.50 / $ 9.00
4 Planter's trail mix $11.00 / $ 5.00
$25.50 / $14.00

1 peelie on trays - $ 1.00
2 tearpad coupons for mix - $ 2.00

Total: $11.00

Get $10 coupon back. If you already have a $10 coupon, you'll pay only $1 OOP and get the $10 coupon back.

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