Friday, February 20, 2009

$19.99 4-pack is Back at Jewel & GM buy 10 get $10 deal

I'm not loving it though. The chicken is higher priced this time ($ as opposed to $1.99 last time). It still works the same way - (4 packs of fav 4 meat - $4.10 automatic discount) - so choose your packages wisely. One item to stock up on - not part of the Fav-4, would be Johnsonville sausages. They are on sale 2/$5 - use this coupon and pay $2.50 for 3 packages. It's a pdf so you can print more than 1. Just be aware the coupon is not coded to take the $5 off automatically. It will beep and the cashier will have to enter it manually.

UPDATE: The Jewels in Elgin have the Johnsonville on sale 3/$5 - FREE with the coupon - just pay tax (about $.09 on $5) through next Wednesday - please leave some for me :-)

The General Mills buy 10 get $10 promotion is advertised in this week's circular. Buy any 10 participating products (see ad for items) get $10 back. The best item to buy is the Pillsbury Grands. 10 will cost $12.50 but there are $.75/3 blinkies (use 3) to pay only $10.25 (if you have a $10 ConAgra cat use that as well and pay only $.25) - you will get a $10 catalina back. You can mix and match the items as well. I bought 6 Betty Crocker Warm Delights and 4 Grands - used 6 $.50 coupons on the Warm Delights and 2 - $.50 coupons I had for the grands - I did use a $10 catalina from the ConAgra promotion - Total OOP $.96 + tax.

1 comment:

Kristin Jones said...

FYI-Angel food cake is the ONLY cake that is not part of the promo. If you buy it, a catalina will NOT come out!